The differences between the ego, the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, the inner child and the higher self…

These terms come from different psychological and spiritual frameworks and represent various aspects of human consciousness and identity. Here’s a breakdown of each:


  • Psychological Perspective: In Freudian theory, the ego is the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and unconscious mind. It is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.
  • Characteristics: The ego operates based on the reality principle, negotiating between desires, morals, and external reality. It is concerned with rationality, planning, and mediating desires to ensure appropriate behavior in society.
  • How to connect with the ego: The ego can often be afraid of change and doesn’t like disruptions to the status quo. The ego can block us from achieving what we want to achieve …. For example: If we choose consciously to improve our financial situation, the ego may feel that the reward is not worth the effort and may bring about negative self talk to prevent us from moving forward in this area.
  • The ego cares that you are breathing, and alive, but cares not, how happy you are, or how much money you have.
  • Remember to thank your ego for all that it does for you, reassure it that it will always be a part of your journey and that you appreciate its strength. YOu may also ask it to step aside whilst you connect with your higher self to find answers for your current life experiences.

Subconscious Mind

  • Psychological Perspective: The subconscious mind contains thoughts, memories, and desires not in the immediate awareness but accessible through effort or influence behaviour unconsciously.
  • Characteristics: It holds habitual behaviours, automatic reactions, and stored experiences that influence current thoughts and actions. The subconscious mind can be accessed through methods like hypnosis, dreams, and introspection.
  • How to connect with your subconscious mind: It is wise to treat your subconscious mind gently, with love and compassion, like a small frightened child. The subconscious mind likes symbols, it likes high fives and positive reinforcement.

Conscious Mind

  • Psychological Perspective: This is the part of the mind that is aware of immediate surroundings, thoughts, and perceptions.
  • Characteristics: The conscious mind involves active thinking, decision-making, and the awareness of the present moment. It processes information through sensory input and is involved in logical reasoning and voluntary actions.

Inner Child

  • Psychological/Spiritual Perspective: The inner child represents a part of one’s psyche that retains the emotions, memories, and experiences of childhood.
  • Characteristics: It embodies innocence, playfulness, creativity, and sometimes unresolved childhood traumas. Healing and nurturing the inner child can lead to emotional well-being and personal growth.
  • How to interact with your inner child: Remember to allow yourself plenty of opportunities to play in this life time. Allow yourself time to catch a film that intrigues you, spend time with friends, laughing and seeing the positive side of life. Take yourself on holiday regularly and remember that you are meant to enjoy the benefits of mother earth, alongside the learning and the healing that needs to take place.

Higher Self

  • Spiritual Perspective: The higher self is considered the aspect of a person’s consciousness that is connected to a greater spiritual truth or higher wisdom.
  • Characteristics: It represents an enlightened, wise, and all-knowing part of the self. The higher self is often seen as a guide towards one’s purpose and deeper understanding of life. Connecting with the higher self involves spiritual practices like meditation, introspection, and mindfulness.
  • How to connect with your higher self: Your higher self is ready and waiting to connect with you and share the knowledge and wisdom that you require to ensure you live your best life.
    Here is a link to a workshop:


  • Ego: Rational mediator between desires and reality; focuses on identity and social norms.
  • Subconscious Mind: Stores and influences through hidden memories and habits; accessible through introspection and certain therapies.
  • Conscious Mind: Immediate awareness and active thinking; deals with present perceptions and decisions.
  • Inner Child: Emotional and experiential remnants from childhood; influences creativity and emotional responses.
  • Higher Self: Spiritual, wise aspect guiding towards higher purpose and truth; accessed through spiritual practices.

Understanding these aspects can provide a holistic view of the different layers of human consciousness and identity, offering paths for personal development and self-awareness. Repeating patterns or experiences in this life time that prevent you from living your best life, may be linked back to one part of your mind that is out of alignment or off balance.
The most important work you can do in this life time is to treat each part of your mind with love and respect. Be gentle and compassionate when dealing with each part of your psyche and you will achieve excellent results.

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