Thank You for booking a Reading!

Ahead of your reading

Please make sure

  • You have plenty of water and a quiet place to receive your opening remarks.
  • A pen and paper or device to record any questions that come up should be available.
  • The reading is normally conducted via a zoom call, you may have your camera on or off (as you wish).
  • Please ensure you can sit comfortably in a way that allows you to keep your arms and legs uncrossed during the session.
  • Please provide your full name during the reading. If you have family members with similar names, make sure you supply a full name that is different from theirs. Your name the way it appears on official documents like your passport.

Akashic records opening prayer

Dear God let this day be blessed, I offer myself in gratitude and service of the light, I ask for my angel’s guides and spiritual teachers who are of 100% God light to assist me in any way possible, in every way possible.


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