Dissolving Poverty Contracts


In our daily lives, we are constantly making agreements with people. Some of these are simple physical agreements like a luncheon date or a cosmic coffee. Or even a contract with your housemates or a partner, for example: if one of you does the dishes the other will hang up the washing. etc. When the activity is completed, the contract is over, it dissipates.

However, there are many types of contracts that you can make with others that are totally unconscious or subconscious decisions. And many too that come from a previous lifetime.

In the case of poverty contracts, they may have come with us from a previous life.

If you have lived a previous life as a slave or in servitude to another you may have some of that energy stuck to you and it may be holding you back. Many women have a natural ‘poverty contract’ as they have been taught for centuries that their place is in the home and that they shouldn’t deal with money directly. Some men and women have this contract because they are sensitive and although they have unique and magical gifts, they’ve been brain washed into believing that they shouldn’t earn money directly from sharing their magical spiritual gifts of healing others.

Because of this stuck energy, you may be making decisions based on a ‘fear of lack’, a fear that you are not good enough, you may have chosen parents in this lifetime or a partner in this life that holds a mirror up to you constantly reminding you that you are unworthy. This sounds counter-intuitive, however, you may have chosen this person to ensure that in this lifetime you ‘do something about this issue.

You may have heard that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’… or ‘money comes in one hand and it goes out the other’… over and over again these words and ideas are bestowed on you by your nearest and dearest. They may not even comprehend that this is having a negative effect on you and that it is building a ‘poverty mindset’ for you. They are simply repeating the pattern that was handed down to them by their ancestors.
They may even have their own contracts that bind them to this behaviour.

Luckily we live in an age where we have been given magical tools to assist us with clearing contracts.

This guided meditation was designed to be ‘practised’ every day for 2 weeks. Unless your higher self suggests that the contract has been broken and dissolved.



A Guided Meditation


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